Message Board
The Zoom Links for all Sessions as well as the Test room were updated and circulated by e-mail. The outdated information in the book of abstract is no longer correct. We apologize for this inconvenience.
In case you require help, please alert us at:
Dear presenters,
please find here the final version of the program.
The final version of the program and the book of abstractswas circulated on May 21st 2022.
Revised Zoom links for all sessions and the test room were sent by E-Mail on May 23rd.
Access to sessions.
The assess links to the different sessions were sent to all registered presenters and attendees in the digital book of abstracts on May 21st 2022 by e-mail. An Update of all links was sent on May 23rd.
In case you meet difficulties, please contact us: This address will be checked on the days of the conference, i.e. May 22 - 25.
The conference is all digital and you share your presentations live via a video platform. Internet access and an appropriate audio connection is hence required (video recommended, but not necessary).
1) Lectures (May 23-25)
The lectures will be given digitally using Zoom as a video platform. Please prepare your talks in powerpoint, pdf, or any format you think appropriate. You will run your talk live on your computer and share the screen and audio with the audience. Please adhere strictly to the maximum time allotted for your talk to enable meaningful discussions and synchronous parallel sessions. There will be options to test the screen sharing as well as video and audio before your session. Questions will asked via the chat function and will be asked by the session chair.
2) Posters (May 24)
The poster presenters are asked to prepare a 1 slide summary (to be made available in all breaks and parallel to all sessions during the conference). For the poster session a brief presentation (max. 5 slides) in powerpoint, pdf, or else is suggested. You will be assigned an individual video session to which participants can join the discussion work online live. There will be options to test the screen sharing as well as video and audio before your session.
3) Workshop (May 22)
The workshop lectures will be given digitally using Zoom as a video platform. Questions will asked via the chat function and will be asked by the session chair. The recorded workshop lectures will be available for streaming during the conference.
Further details will be communicated in due course. As mentioned above, the final program with login information will be circulated to all appropriately registered participants by e-mail.